Offline first - local storage Demo mit pouchDB

Ich habe mich ein wenig mit "Offline First" & "Local Storage" Apps beschäftigt und eine kleine Demo mit PouchDB gebaut. Es handelt sich hierbei um eine App, mit der man schnell eine Speisekarte bauen kann. Wenn man einmal die Seite besucht hat, wird diese im AppCache gespeichert und, wenn die …

The luxury of doing nothing

My biggest freedom right now is doing nothing related to work. I am already working way less then I was in my 9-5 job, but now I can just take some time out when I feel like it and not work at all. This freedom is really a luxury you don't have as an employee. When I was in my 9-5 job, I didn't …

I am an expert and so are you

Do you remember your first report in school? I did mine about squirrels. I still remember how much fun it was to draw the squirrel, make arrows and write the appropriate names for the different parts of the squirrel. In the end I told my class everything I had just learned about squirrels …